Spektros is a wholesaler of paints, varnishes, sprays and plasters. It offers brands that bring customers excellent quality at a reasonable price and give end-users new possibilities in their work, ideas and projects. The aim of the campaign was to promote the brand not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Germany and Austria.

Year of realization


Realization time


Type of service


Scope of service

CZE & abroad

Addressed people

+5 000

Campaign effect

Brand support


Our task was to promote the Spektros brand not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. To promote the brand, we needed to create a quality team of promoters and hostesses and train them thoroughly.

We prepared a complete presentation including training materials. This included a video manual in German for effective briefing and training in all countries. Furthermore, we selected suitable candidates for the promotional team, trained them and ensured communication with the German outlets.

Final result

In total, we have 5 promoters in the Czech Republic, 46 in Germany, 14 in Austria and 8 in Switzerland.

On the basis of quality and precision work, our promoters worked a total of 73 shifts, reached over 5,000 customers and used 438 sprays.

Client's statement
