DHL recruitment flyers were handed out in Prague and South Moravia - News

DHL recruitment flyers were handed out in Prague and South Moravia

The Central Bohemia and South Moravia regions were the main destinations for our client DHL’s recruitment campaigns last year. The biggest  took place in Prague and surrounding cities in  July and our temporary workers handed out more than 27,000 recruitment flyers!

The very first campaign took place last  January in South Moravia, more specifically in  Rajhrad and Židlochovice, where flyers were handed out in front of department stores over four days. The same approach was taken in September, when the locations were changed to Znojmo, Moravský Krumlov and Ivančice.

The biggest campaign was in Prague and surrounding towns. In Prague, our temporary workers handed out flyers directly at selected metro stations, while others delivered flyers directly to mailboxes in selected parts of Prague, as well as in neighbouring Čelákovice, Milovice, Černý Brod, Brandýs nad Labem and Kostelec nad Černými Lesy.

Do you also need skilled workers for your event? Do not hesitate to contact us with your inquiry! Call us or send us an inquiry via our website. We have an extensive database of hostesses and promoters, and we are not afraid to use it. We look forward to working with you!


Would you like to become a promoter? Do you long for a life that is full of action? Do not hesitate to call us for more information! Be the first to get the best offers, don’t miss the last minute offers and receive extra rewards just for you!


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